Thursday, January 8, 2009

Instant Immersion 36 Languages Deluxe v3.0 Hybrid ISO - Learn another language kidding.

Excellent package aimed to teach easily and intuitive nothing less than 36 languages listed below:

Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese (Chinese), Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, German, Greek (Modern), Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Mandarin (Chinese), Norwegian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Punjabi, Roman, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, suaíle, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Yiddish and Zulu.

In this package are two applications destintos for teaching of languages.
They are:

Talk Now Multi-Language:
To teach through games and videos.

See photos of it below:

MultiTalk: Designed to train your pronunciation using a sophisticated application (requires microphone installed) to compare what you said about what should be said. So, you afiadíssimo is the pronunciation of the language studied. Examples in the photos below:

Recalling that there are several smaller versions of this application, where only one language or have some.

This version is much more complete.

For those who want to learn different languages, this package is highly indicated.

Title: Instant Immersion 36 Languages Deluxe v3.0 Retail
Format: Rar

Language: 36 languages, including the Port-au


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